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This is a method for the tidyr::separate() generic. It is translated to data.table::tstrsplit() in the j argument of [.data.table.


# S3 method for dtplyr_step
  sep = "[^[:alnum:]]+",
  remove = TRUE,
  convert = FALSE,



A lazy_dt().


Column name or position.

This argument is passed by expression and supports quasiquotation (you can unquote column names or column positions).


Names of new variables to create as character vector. Use NA to omit the variable in the output.


Separator between columns. The default value is a regular expression that matches any sequence of non-alphanumeric values.


If TRUE, remove the input column from the output data frame.


If TRUE, will run type.convert() with = TRUE on new columns. This is useful if the component columns are integer, numeric or logical.

NB: this will cause string "NA"s to be converted to NAs.


Arguments passed on to methods


# If you want to split by any non-alphanumeric value (the default):
df <- lazy_dt(data.frame(x = c(NA, "x.y", "x.z", "y.z")), "DT")
df %>% separate(x, c("A", "B"))
#> Source: local data table [4 x 2]
#> Call:   copy(DT)[, `:=`(c("A", "B"), tstrsplit(x, split = "[^[:alnum:]]+"))][, 
#>     `:=`("x", NULL)]
#>   A     B    
#>   <chr> <chr>
#> 1 NA    NA   
#> 2 x     y    
#> 3 x     z    
#> 4 y     z    
#> # Use to access results

# If you just want the second variable:
df %>% separate(x, c(NA, "B"))
#> Source: local data table [4 x 1]
#> Call:   copy(DT)[, `:=`("B", tstrsplit(x, split = "[^[:alnum:]]+", keep = 2L))][, 
#>     `:=`("x", NULL)]
#>   B    
#>   <chr>
#> 1 NA   
#> 2 y    
#> 3 z    
#> 4 z    
#> # Use to access results

# Use regular expressions to separate on multiple characters:
df <- lazy_dt(data.frame(x = c(NA, "x?y", "x.z", "y:z")), "DT")
df %>% separate(x, c("A","B"), sep = "([.?:])")
#> Source: local data table [4 x 2]
#> Call:   copy(DT)[, `:=`(c("A", "B"), tstrsplit(x, split = "([.?:])"))][, 
#>     `:=`("x", NULL)]
#>   A     B    
#>   <chr> <chr>
#> 1 NA    NA   
#> 2 x     y    
#> 3 x     z    
#> 4 y     z    
#> # Use to access results

# convert = TRUE detects column classes:
df <- lazy_dt(data.frame(x = c("x:1", "x:2", "y:4", "z", NA)), "DT")
df %>% separate(x, c("key","value"), ":") %>% str
#> List of 12
#>  $ parent         :List of 12
#>   ..$ parent         :List of 8
#>   .. ..$ parent       :Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':	5 obs. of  1 variable:
#>   .. .. ..$ x: chr [1:5] "x:1" "x:2" "y:4" "z" ...
#>   .. .. ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
#>   .. ..$ vars         : chr "x"
#>   .. ..$ groups       : chr(0) 
#>   .. ..$ locals       : list()
#>   .. ..$ implicit_copy: logi FALSE
#>   .. ..$ needs_copy   : logi FALSE
#>   .. ..$ env          :<environment: 0x55df0fded700> 
#>   .. ..$ name         : symbol DT
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_first" "dtplyr_step"
#>   ..$ vars           : chr [1:3] "x" "key" "value"
#>   ..$ groups         : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ locals         : list()
#>   ..$ implicit_copy  : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ needs_copy     : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ env            :<environment: 0x55df0fded700> 
#>   ..$ arrange        : NULL
#>   ..$ i              : NULL
#>   ..$ j              : language `:=`(c("key", "value"), tstrsplit(x, split = ":"))
#>   ..$ on             : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ allow_cartesian: NULL
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_subset" "dtplyr_step"
#>  $ vars           : chr [1:2] "key" "value"
#>  $ groups         : chr(0) 
#>  $ locals         : list()
#>  $ implicit_copy  : logi TRUE
#>  $ needs_copy     : logi TRUE
#>  $ env            :<environment: 0x55df0fded700> 
#>  $ arrange        : NULL
#>  $ i              : NULL
#>  $ j              : language `:=`("x", NULL)
#>  $ on             : chr(0) 
#>  $ allow_cartesian: NULL
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_subset" "dtplyr_step"
df %>% separate(x, c("key","value"), ":", convert = TRUE) %>% str
#> List of 12
#>  $ parent         :List of 12
#>   ..$ parent         :List of 8
#>   .. ..$ parent       :Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':	5 obs. of  1 variable:
#>   .. .. ..$ x: chr [1:5] "x:1" "x:2" "y:4" "z" ...
#>   .. .. ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
#>   .. ..$ vars         : chr "x"
#>   .. ..$ groups       : chr(0) 
#>   .. ..$ locals       : list()
#>   .. ..$ implicit_copy: logi FALSE
#>   .. ..$ needs_copy   : logi FALSE
#>   .. ..$ env          :<environment: 0x55df0fded700> 
#>   .. ..$ name         : symbol DT
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_first" "dtplyr_step"
#>   ..$ vars           : chr [1:3] "x" "key" "value"
#>   ..$ groups         : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ locals         : list()
#>   ..$ implicit_copy  : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ needs_copy     : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ env            :<environment: 0x55df0fded700> 
#>   ..$ arrange        : NULL
#>   ..$ i              : NULL
#>   ..$ j              : language `:=`(c("key", "value"), tstrsplit(x, split = ":", type.convert = TRUE))
#>   ..$ on             : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ allow_cartesian: NULL
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_subset" "dtplyr_step"
#>  $ vars           : chr [1:2] "key" "value"
#>  $ groups         : chr(0) 
#>  $ locals         : list()
#>  $ implicit_copy  : logi TRUE
#>  $ needs_copy     : logi TRUE
#>  $ env            :<environment: 0x55df0fded700> 
#>  $ arrange        : NULL
#>  $ i              : NULL
#>  $ j              : language `:=`("x", NULL)
#>  $ on             : chr(0) 
#>  $ allow_cartesian: NULL
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "dtplyr_step_subset" "dtplyr_step"